From: RegTech Analyst
Microsoft’s business customers are about to get a serious upgrade in their cybersecurity protection and insurance to cover it.
Insurer AXA XL and cloud-based digital defence firm Slice Labs have teamed up to provide Microsoft 365 Business, Office 365 Business Premium and Office 365 Business customers with improved cyber health and to mitigate risks.
It will also see customers qualify for discounted access to Slice on-demand, cloud-based cyber insurance provided by AXA XL.
This will provide the customers with incident response and remediation in the event of cyber attacks, which are all services provided as part of AXA XL’s cyber insurance policy.
“This new level of integration with Microsoft and Slice Labs reinforces the fact that insurance is no longer an after the fact product that companies should use as a band-aid when an incident occurs,” said John Coletti, chief underwriting officer at AXA XL’s cyber insurance team in North America. “We’re excited to bring a solution to market that only large enterprises have procured in the past to SMB’s who need it just as badly.”
Tim Attia, CEO and co-founder of Slice Labs, added, “Today’s announcement is continued validation that our foresight as the pioneer of on-demand, cloud-based insurance that protects digital ecosystems aligns with today’s B2B, B2B2C, and B2C appetites for more intelligent and flexible insurance protection. Thanks to the cloud, insurance has changed and is now a must-have asset in order for businesses in any market to ensure they profitability achieve their goals.”
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