hyperexponential launches new insurance-focused podcast

As the business environment evolves, the insurance sector grapples with a pertinent issue: talent. Maintaining a competitive edge, staying relevant, and demonstrating resilience are pivotal for survival, and people with the right skills are key to these endeavours.

InsurTech company hyperexponential has launched a new podcast series to discuss the latest trends within insurance. The series will see Tom Chamberlin (TEC), VP of Customer and Consulting at hyperexponential speak with industry professionals to get their insights on the latest developments.

In recent times, talent has climbed the ladder of priority in the insurance industry. As seasoned professionals inch towards retirement, the industry is facing an imminent skills gap. This void needs to be addressed promptly, as these experienced professionals leave big shoes to fill.

The insurance industry, crowded and highly competitive, recognises the value of skilled employees. These individuals bring a wave of fresh ideas, innovative thinking, and deep expertise. The benefits are multifold – enhanced products, superior services, and elevated customer experiences, setting insurance firms apart in this tight-knit market.

The lingering question remains: how do insurance companies lure young, promising talent into the sector? How do they foster an environment that keeps their existing employees motivated and digitally savvy?

In an effort to answer these questions and shed light on possible solutions, the first episode of the TEC Talks podcast brings us a conversation with Claire McDonald, an executive board member of HDI Global. McDonald explores effective strategies to defuse the impending talent time bomb in the insurance industry.

Don’t miss out on these insightful conversations! Subscribe to TEC Talks on your favourite podcast platform. Find the podcast here.

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