How dacadoo can help you navigate health and lifestyle data challenges

Handling health and lifestyle data involves several intricate challenges, primarily due to the sensitive nature of the information. Ensuring privacy is a top priority, and securing consent for data use can be complex, especially if not addressed early in the process. This often restricts analysis to internal use only, limiting the involvement of external experts and increasing the risk of bias due to broad consent requirements.

Handling health and lifestyle data involves several intricate challenges, primarily due to the sensitive nature of the information. Ensuring privacy is a top priority, and securing consent for data use can be complex, especially if not addressed early in the process. This often restricts analysis to internal use only, limiting the involvement of external experts and increasing the risk of bias due to broad consent requirements.

Digital health technology platform dacadoo tackles these challenges in its latest whitepaper, entitled: The New Gold: Longitudinal Health & Lifestyle Data.

Anonymisation for privacy and insight

Anonymising data is crucial for addressing privacy concerns. Techniques such as suppression and generalisation help to remove personal identifiers, enabling safer data handling.

dacadoo’s Anonymous Data Warehouse (ADWH) supports the joint analysis of health and app usage data while safeguarding user privacy. This anonymised data, which is exempt from regulations like GDPR and HIPAA, can be utilised for various purposes, including performance evaluations and research.

The dacadoo ADWH consolidates anonymised data from its Digital Health Engagement Platform (DHEP) into a secure repository.

This integration facilitates comprehensive analysis of health and behavioural data, supporting applications such as understanding user behaviour, refining product offerings, and crafting data-driven marketing strategies.

Clients can either perform their own analyses on the anonymised data or utilise dacadoo’s data science expertise.

Metrics and feature interaction

Examining metrics distribution on the dacadoo platform provides valuable insights. Histograms of health scores and body mass index (BMI) distributions reveal trends across user populations.

Feature interaction analysis further uncovers how different features are used in combination, offering a deeper understanding of user engagement.

Cluster analysis segments users based on variables like BMI, Health Score, and behaviour patterns, allowing for targeted content delivery and tracking of user movement between clusters.

Meanwhile, cohort analysis provides insights into user and app evolution over time. By examining user retention and churn, dacadoo identifies interactions that drive long-term engagement.

Kaplan-Meier survival curves highlight that users who engage in challenges or log workouts tend to stay on the platform longer.

The value of anonymised data

The vast data generated by health and wellness platforms, wearables, and tracking apps is immensely valuable.

dacadoo’s ADWH addresses the challenge of making this data both compliant and actionable.

By anonymising over a billion data points, dacadoo ensures privacy while providing crucial insights into health management and improvement.

This positions the ADWH as an essential tool for advancing digital health engagement and achieving better health outcomes.

For more information and to gain access to the full report, click here.

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